Meet Josh Panknin, a banker in his mid 30's who took time off from Deutsche Bank in order to study at Byte Academy, the first ever FinTech coding bootcamp and perhaps still the only in the world. Here, Josh explains why he took a break from Wall Street, the effects of technology and big data on finance, and, what learning to code is like when you don't want to be a programmer. He also gives advice to those who may want to follow in his footsteps.
4 min read
Why I Took Time Off From Banking To Learn Code
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:56:52 AM
Topics: coding programming
3 min read
Helpful Tips For Learning Programming Faster
By Wendy Dessler on Aug 17, 2020 5:43:17 AM
Topics: Careers programming Programming Tips
1 min read
Instructor Insight: Coding Tips for Beginners
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:42:30 AM
Jason Ng just joined our team as a Full-Stack instructor and code guru, and, has some tips for the noobs. A former instructor at General Assembly, Jason has a wealth of teaching experience. On a side note, he also enjoys moonlight walks on the beach and candlelight dinners.
Coming from a voice of experience who has dealt with plenty of beginner coders, here are Jason's Top Tips for when you start coding:
Topics: programming Programming Tips
2 min read
Blockchain is A Girl’s Best Friend
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:41:29 AM
De Beers, the world’s biggest diamond producer, has tracked its first diamonds all the way from the mine to the jewelry producer using blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin. It is even planning to launch a platform for other diamond retailers later this year which uses blockchain to track a diamond through the entire value chain. Known as Tracr, the program gives each stone a unique ID that stores diamond characteristics such as weight, color and clarity.
Topics: programming Blockchain
7 min read
How To Build a Keyword Dictionary using Python
By Abdul Majed Raja on Aug 17, 2020 5:38:06 AM
What is a Keywords Dictionary?
A Keywords Dictionary is a set of words put together based on a common theme. Consider this example, you are managing a bank and you want to improve your customer service. You give your customers a feedback form? For you to make sense of what your customers complaint or talk about, you need to have a list of keywords that are related to the business and this is where the need to have a Keywords Dictionary comes in.
Topics: Python programming Programming Tips
1 min read
Our Students' and Team's Video Debut!
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 5:36:19 AM
Our student and instructor videos have debuted (the Academy is already preparing their Oscar nominations)...
Topics: Student Stories programming
5 min read
Why I Learned How to Code and You Should Too
By Byte on Aug 17, 2020 5:32:01 AM
“I want to lose 10 lbs before summer.”
“I want to read a book a week.”
“I will eat more fruits.”
“I will give up smoking.”
“I will be more organized.”
“I want a bikini-bod this year.”
We all make New Year resolutions but they tend to be personal. Many don't last more than a month, so when we reconsider how to self-improve, why not do something relevant, achievable and, new - like learning a very important skill in this digital age: coding.
It’s common to look at a website and wonder how it was made or look at a mobile app and think, “Hey that's pretty neat!” or, “that was so useful but I wonder if it could also do that...” Even marveling at technological innovations, we distance ourselves from them if we don't know the basics in order to understand what's happening behind the interface.
The world of 1’s and 0’s was hostile territory to me, sanitized by a set of rules. Studying Arts, coding and I were like oil and water. I could not relate to my friends struggling to learn C++. Once in grad school, I took a compulsory coding workshop. It wasn't like swallowing the red pill, but when I saw my sample Web page from the lines of code I had sweated over, everything seemed to make sense in the former unknown universe. At an age where I felt the world was out of my control, coding was something that I could do by myself. If something didn't work, I could mend it. The power to build websites and databases could be mine...
Topics: education programming Programming Tips
6 min read
Why is learning to code so hard?
By Jeff Maxim on Aug 17, 2020 5:13:32 AM
Our instructor Jeff is also an author, here are some tips from his blog, a great coding resource:
As an instructor at Byte Academy, a high school AP computer science teacher, and a former middle school teacher, I’ve worked with countless beginning computer programmers. I’ve been there for everyone - from 10-year-old kids to adult career changers - while they write their first “Hello, World!” programs in languages like Python, JavaScript, C, PHP, Ruby, and even with MIT’s cool Scratch.
- Learning to code is no more difficult than learning anything else because all skills have a similarly high mastery point.
- Learning to code seems harder than learning other stuff because it has a higher barrier to entry.
- There’s proven strategies you can use to make this barrier to entry less intimidating.
Topics: Student Stories programming Programming Tips
3 min read
Behind the Bar: Observations from a Hackathon Newbie & Bartender
By Karina on Aug 17, 2020 4:46:00 AM
Being a hackathon newbie until this weekend, I had always imagined hackathons as a room filled with glasses wearing programming nerds. Bartending my first, I realized that they are fun, bonding experiences filled with innovation and networking opportunities.
I served as bartender of the “Byte Bar” which was sponsored by Byte Academy, the coding bootcamp that partnered with StartupBootcamp FinTech, a global accelerator, on the event. This was StartupBootcamp’s first hackathon in the United States and appropriately called FinTech City Never Sleeps. Developers, VCs, designers, and more from across industries came together to solve some of the greatest challenges in financial technology. Categories of challenges included Financial Trust, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Financial Inclusion, and Target Niche Banking. Technology, energy drinks, banks and companies from around the world sponsored the event, even providing beer openers (thank you Xignite for making my life easier…)

Aside from the enrollees, comedians, industry experts, volunteers and business minds contributed to the 24 hour event. Cody Hess, a coding instructor, MC’ed the orchestration. His programming jokes still make me laugh..
Topics: students hackathon Light Reads programming bootcamp
3 min read
Debug Duck Dare
By Emily on Aug 17, 2020 4:20:09 AM